Cloud Solutions Increasing File Management Issues across all industries
August 2015 - Multiple distress calls fired across the Discovery email technical support lines this summer.
- "I can't find my Outlook attachment edits. I didn't realize that you have to save the file first from my Inbox. Where is the temporary directory?"
- "Help! I saved an Excel sheet to my Desktop and also to my hospital shared drive-- and then made changes to both. How can I change the file location for each?"
- "My company is making us use Dropbox for big files. How do I know which files to upload?"
- "I have nursing privileges at two sites and downloaded patient files to a guest computer. I just took training with you and realized that I have to go back and delete files. You are a life saver! I had no idea this was happening".
- "I have versions of my budget in three different locations-- a flash drive, My Documents and a network drive. Now I can't tell which version is which. Help?"
- "My company just rolled out Microsoft 365 and sent a link to online training. I don't know why they can't just bring someone is to answer our questions. The video doesn't help!"
- "I have a new smart phone for work, and downloaded Excel files. Help--- I lost the phone and didn't have a password. Can I get in trouble?"
File Management best practice training is required for every employee with online & offline options. |
Train in file management systems today! |
| Discovery Training Services continues to offer award winning File Management Boot Camp classes for any system and version. Each class is customized exactly to the combined file management solutions offered to each department and division. From Microsoft to Google to ShareFile to SharePoint to Dropbox, best practices are delivered with software training to many clients. Email today to reserve your free consultation. You can't afford to wait.
Many new trends emerge with the automation of more cloud based or online technologies and increasing online enabled devices. Employees can access and store files on their desktop work computers, any tablet, any laptop and any smartphone -- anytime. Additionally, flash drives and other removable storage devices offer constant portable risks. A majority of companies fail to train any employees on how to use, when to use, where to use and what to use to manage their growing cache of files and folders. Online or offline, upload or download--- many employees struggle to grasp the most basic concepts of handling their growing list of cabinets.
In our technology world, we call this "file management". But to your employees, it represents another cabinet to store files, no different than the metal one in the hallway with patient or accounting files. They need help.
You are losing much without training employees in file managment today:
- Information - Studies show the highest source of fraud and security breaches are internal. Whether accidental or purposeful, your biggest leak of information continues to be your own employees' managing of files.
- Control - more than 50% employee download work files to non secured and personal devices. Studies show this increases greatly with management levels.
- Money - intelligence loss, competitive advantage loss, productivity and time loss mounts as employees waste time and energy trying to find, manage, save and store files.