Since 1993, Discovery Training Services delivers full-service talent development, training and technology consultation services. Customize solutions 24 x7 onsite at your location, and with our full service training, registration, learning governance and training development, organizationl development and change management solutions for businesses, organizations and municipalities.
Build skills, morale and best practices with Discovery's expertise, including award-winning etiquette, technology, leadership and social media policy consulting. From conversion & upgrade training to technical Support , email for a free demonstration!
Curriculum & Performance Development Programs, Onboarding, Organizational development, Talent succession planning & Consulting for all learning and leadership styles
DTS Speakers available for Technology or Social Media Etiquette presentation online, in person, or on radio
Chamber CEO on WQUN |
Every client enjoys facilitated training for onsite and virtual locations for the same low price, including these free benefits:
- Full service employee registration and tracking support
- Custom Client Web Site
- Free Onsite merchandising & marketing support
Free Employee Skill Assessment Services
Free Best Practices Consultation & Data Clean-up Recommendations
Technology & Organizational Performance consultation services
Customized Learning Development & Content services available
Your company cannot afford to bypass a proven tool to improve organizational and employee performance --- Target emerging issues affecting organizations, including:
- Lack of protocols for data entry, data management across organizations
- Mistake ridden reports and analysis gaps
- Missed deadlines and lack of project planning
- Lagging customer or patient satisfaction rates affecting employee morale
- High employee turnover rate and declining quality marks
- Increased errors and risks
- Recent computer upgrades and/or conversions
- Technology & data breaches
- Decreasing quality, productivity or satisfaction rates
Any one of these symptoms can greatly impact productivity and efficiencies of a staff. Partner with Discovery Training Services to target areas and start rebuilding. Contact the Registrar today for a free consultation.