Experienced in business, trained in technology, and educated in best practicesL DISCOVER our difference.
DTS instructors and consultants average 20+ years of consultative, teaching and technology experience. Your investment in employee training requires an investment of time and money -- as well as targeted application to complete the job. From onsite to online training, our flexible custom model targets exactly the performance improvement to your teams.
Browse some of the latest success stories from among hundreds of Discovery Training's clients in:
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Integrating Healthcare technology training to clinical and corproate teams |
A Sampling of DTS Hospital & Healthcare Training Clients ..
- The Hospital of Central Connecticut
- Middlesex Hospital
- Hartford Hospital
- Western CT Network of Hospitals
- Gaylord
- Windham Hospital
- Masonicare
- MidState Hospital
- St. Francis Hospital
- St. Raphael's Hospital
- Bridgeport Hospital
- Yale New- Haven Hospital
- MidState Hospital
- St. Vincent's Medical Center
Targeting technology training at the University & School teams |
A Sampling of DTS Education & Schools ..
- Yale University
- Yale University - School of Management
- Albertus Magnus
- University of Connecticut
- University of New Haven
- Wesleyan University
- The Master's School
- Bement School
- The Hotchkiss School
- Kent School
- Cheshire Academy
- Choate Rosemary
A Sampling of DTS Non Profit Training Clients ..
- YWCA of Greenwich
- Ronald McDonald House
- American Red Cross
- Meriden Boys & Girl Club
- Center for Family & Justice
- Hole in the Wall Gang
- Franciscan Life Center
- LEAP, Inc.
- New Opportunities
- Nutmeg Big Brothers & Sisters
- Visiting Nurses Association
- Oak Hill
- Women & Family Center
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Targeted training technology to Corporations |
A Sampling of DTS CorporateTraining Clients ..
- Bristol Myers Squibb
- Cytec
- Fosdick
- Petra Construction
- Brescome Barton/ WorldWide Wines
- Breckenridge Pharmaceuticals
- Kleen Energy
- RBS /Citizens Bank
- Macy's Corporation
- Practical Energy
- Pratt & Whitney
- Quest Diagnostics
- Record -Journal Newspapers
- Sealed Air
- Vesta Corporation
- United Aluminum Corporation
- Residential Management Systems
- Nationwide Insurance
- HB Communications
- Eaton Corporation
- Arris