Our healthcare clientsspend millions to install new patient data systems and cloud technology:
SharePoint Epic Google Cisco ShareFile ... just to name a few...
Take a look at your latest LEAN, optimization or strategic planning docs, and technology will be a part of many.
Changing Technology Shifts Squeezing Healthcare Industry |
Employee orientation and system rollouts includes access to a computer network with offline and online storage. Almost all use, access and manage email and files in multiple locations and devicesm, with ability to find, save, upload, share, move, download, copy, protect, send and manage data. Regardless of storage device, almost every employee faces a need to access data. And risks mount, without some formalized training.
A looming gap remains if performance development protocols do not include mandatory file management and data entry awareness and skill building. This oft- overlooked skill building can cost your organization in time, resources and dollars, risk and possibly patient & data safety. "I see firsthand the intrinsic waste of employees in redundant work, lack of training, frustration and data leaks, " commented DTS lead consultant Christine Mansfield. "With technology and cloud based systems increasing, the one piece missed is basic file management skills. The vendors conduct valuable software training to many employees who lack an understanding of where files are downloading or data best practices. It's an industry crisis for data and safety".
Employees Need Training to be Successful! |
| So What? Studies show:
- ¾ security breaches emanate from internal employee breaches.
- External threats, i.e. hacker/ virus, represent 16% of risks (Vontu & Ponemon Institute, 2014).
- 66% of all employees access unauthorized parts of the network (Cisco, 2016)
- 48% employees send files home from work .. and that number is growing, as telecommute and remote options increase
- 45% share devices without supervision,
- 20+% share passwords regularly
- 36% of data breaches attributable to employees’ inadvertent misuse of internal data (Forrester, 2017)
- Business leaks constitute 39%,
- Customer/ patient and client data miscues comprise 27%
It’s time to spend some time securing the front door with these tips:
Standardize a corporate data entry protocol and communicate.
Train every employee with the DTS Boot Camp ~ only 2 hours to instill Windows & file management skills, with a splash of data sheet management.
The result spells:
- Reward increases employee morale, skills, empowerment and safe data practices reinforce.
- Risk decreases in reputation, service standards, safety, efficiency and costs, and loss risks in data, information, public relations and financial expense pose unbudgeted risks
- Benefits reinforce compliace to state, federal (i.e. Health Information Portability and Accountability Act) and agency policies and laws, and deliver on corporate obligations to financial, compliance and patient care obligations, and patient care.