Etiquette Training Targets Sales Teams
One of the hottest training trends continues to build with email and technology etiquette courses. From corporate town halls to team training, many DTS clients added this course to their required learning in webinar, classroom and lecture formats.
DTS facilitated sessions for Annual Sales summits and group learnings on multi- channel etiquette, including mobile, web, social media, conferencing and email channels. For two healthcare partners, the training included file management, HIPPA patient data risk management and cloud technology training with etiquette best practices. "It was important for us to align our training goals exactly to Joint Commission findings and help our partner manage safety on all ends," commented DTS' Christine Mansfield.
With the explosive growth of online channels, managing cloud documents and drives is a challenge for many employees. "I found our department struggling to manage the Outlook and download folders, and then we added Lync, OneNote, SharePoint, Google, and Microsoft 365," added a distributor client, "their heads were spinning".
Another client used DTS to train in touch screen devices, when the field implemented surface pros and Ipads in the sales and operation forces. "Discovery picked our employees' morale up with their teaching methods -- it was lifesaving for the project."
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