Networking opportunities abound creatively in the summer months for our DTS team. Captaining a Komen race team for HTS, CEO Christine Mansfield joins so many clients & colleagues to support cure research annually in June. Advocating for peers, board members and clients is so powerful," commented Christine. "Fighting for a cause, when others can't, aligns our brand promise to the sustaining value of partnership and effort".
As June came to a close, Mansfield joined the HTS team for the Gaylord Gauntlet, a creatively designed mud-filled obstacle course like no other. "Half of our town joined a special cause today," laughed Mansfield, as the team jumped through fire, scaled towering walls and enjoyed the one of a kind fundraiser. "Being a part of our community is a key strategy for Discovery Training."
Foundation, Development & Marketing Clients- Call for summer networking!
Discovery CEO reminds clients to nurture new or existing team members to networking best practices. "Summer presents an ideal time for planning, brainstorming and team training to network together".
Looking for networking & learning events?
Consider DTS' User group, tentatively scheduled for August 4th at LEAP in New Haven. The session draws executives and fundraising professionals from academic, healthcare, and cause related non -profit organizations to share tips, gain industry best practices and build skills on database topics. The next session is Managing Lists & Import/ Export Tips - perfect timing for fall planning, and peer discussion on cloud file management.