Wallingford - DTS Identifies Employee Training Gaps as Top Data Security Risks
Each client procures services across many needs, ranging from equipment, supplies and products. The sourcing team manages contract terms and service agreements to a high standard internally and externally. Being onsite, our instructors gain unique insights to employee challenges, and target curriculum to meet their skill development needs in areas.
Employees register for training classes to adapt to an ever changing environment and gain efficiencies -- but the training need is often a symptom of a larger issue. Some gaps that are beyond the employees' control and point to more systemic gaps in the corporation, including:
Contracted Data providers export or distribute poorly edited and maintained data
Lack of contract terms or SLAs for data standardization or management
Lack of systemic training and controls in data entry and file management distribution and saving practices
Lack of standardized data protocol for patient, client data entry in corporation or departments or both
We identify best practices and offer solution driven training classes, targeting high profile areas to contain the damage and security risks, including:
Data entry and formatting
Project and program management
Data analysis, reporting and visualization skill building
File Management & data management for online & offline systems
Free Protocol Manual Offer |
Mention this offer and receive a free protocol manual with your training class. Valued at $500+, DTS will create and provide an editable field or task manual for your internal use. This provides an ideal starting point to standardize data entry and establish best data practices on a long term basis. Email our office today to schedule your free consultation!