Press Release
For Immediate Release
Contact Christine Mansfield
Phone: (203) 269-2624
DTS Owner On Channel 3 Business News
September, 2008 - WALLINGFORD - Wallingford Town Council examined a litter issue and regulating clean-up back to small businesses. A roaming Channel 3 Eyewitness Reporter explored various business owners' reactions to the change, and business impact. Discovery Training Owner, Christine Mansfield, shared her thoughts on camera with the team.

Here's a link to the on air interview segment, aired during the Morning News:
Here's a link to the online article:
Fellow business owner Christine Mansfield said she’s worried the proposal will place a burden on small businesses. “I think, in this economy, there are so many additional pressures,” she said. "Like any new expense, a business owner is owed an opportunity to review the expense, assess the short and long term impact, and re-forecast the ripple effect on the bottom line. The effect includes resources of time and people, and a change in process to consider."