Press Release
For Immediate Release
Contact Public Relations
Phone: (203) 269-2624
DTS Team Captains Susan B Komen Race for the Cure Team!
June, 2011 - Continuing to partner with the community, the DTS' own Christine Mansfield captained HTS' "Team Tigers" in the June 4th Race for the Cure. Mansfield trained a group of 50 members to walk or run the 5k race, and raise more than $3,000 for the Susan B. Komen Foundation. Fox News, Hartford Courant and Record-Journal newspapers covered the Team's successes in local media coverage. "Anything is possible with a dream and hope to echo Christopher Reeves' inspiration," commented Christine. "This team shows every year what a group of committed individuals can do to fight breast cancer and stand in unity with every person stricken."
